Events: past

AMAS XVI: Automated Mineralogy Masterclass

5 Feb 2024 8:30am - 5:00pm AEST The University of Queensland

As part of the Australian Microbeam Analysis Society AMAS XVI Symposium, a special interest group of AMMS, Microscopy Australia is supporting a automated mineralogy masterclass.

The workshop will include:

  • Expert presentations on automated mineralogy techniques
  • Scientific and Industry applications of Automated Mineralogy
  • Seminars covering the latest advances in instrumentation and data management in Automated mineralogy

The location of the meeting will be the Andrew N. Liveris Building (46), Staff House Rd, University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4067

Site tours of the new CMM Foxtail Facility will be offered during the AMAS Symposium week.

Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to enroll.

Register Here