Events: past

HyperSpy Workshop – Pre ACMM26

16 Feb 2020 National Convention Centre, Canberra

Convenor: Eric Prestat (Uni. of Manchester and SuperSTEM)
Duration: Full Day
Day: Sunday, 16th Feb
Cost: $250 for full conference delegate, $300 workshop only

HyperSpy is an open source Python library which provides tools to facilitate the interactive data analysis of multi-dimensional datasets that can be described as multi-dimensional arrays of a given signal. Its development has been motivated by the data analysis needs of the electron microscopy community but it is proving useful in many other fields. Its modular and extensible structure makes it easy to add features to analyse different kinds of signals. This workshop will cover the following topics:

Introduction to HyperSpy and related Python libraries for multi-dimensional image and spectra processing and analysis including:

  • Machine learning
  • Big data (out-of-core) processing
  • Curve fitting of multi-dimensional datasets
  • EELS and EDS analysis

It will also include short demonstrations of data processing using HyperSpy extensions:

  • Atomic resolution image analysis using the atomap library
  • Scanning electron diffraction analysis using the pyXem library
  • Processing of 4D STEM dataset using the pixStem library

For this hands on and interactive short course, attendees will need to install software on their own laptop in advance and bring it with them to the short course (instructions will be provided).

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