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Tutorial: How to re-orient and re-slice 3D volumes by Dr Jeremy Shaw

18 Nov 2021 1:00pm - 2:00pm AEDT, Online

Microscopy Australia, in partnership with Volume Imaging Australia and the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society, invite you to the webinar ‘How to re-orient and re-slice 3D volumes’ presented by Dr Jeremy Shaw.

Samples imaged in 3D (E.g. X-ray CT, FIB or serial EM) are often “sliced” at an orientation that does not suit the desired slice direction. For example, slices may be miss-aligned to anatomical norms, such as sagittal, coronal or transverse planes. Or, perhaps viewing your sample from a specific direction would make it easier to interpret. This tutorial will explain how to “re-slice” 3D data volumes and will demonstrate how to achieve the same result using commercially available or open source software.

Dr Shaw is the X-ray µCT platform leader at UWA’s Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis. A marine biologist by training, Dr Shaw is all too familiar with the steep learning curve needed when stepping from the world of 2D to 3D data analysis and is exploring ways to make this transition easier for researchers.



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Micro-CT visualisation of the brain and olfactory system of the brown-banded bamboo shark by Victoria Camilieri-Asch