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AU-NZ Microscopy Knowledge Exchange Visits

It’s our great pleasure to extend the microscopy exchange scheme between Australia and New Zealand established in partnership with the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (AMMS) and Microscopy New Zealand (Microscopy NZ).

Facility staff will get the opportunity to participate in a visit to another facility to exchange training, expertise and mentoring skills to benefit their career, their colleagues and the host facility. The research experience and collaborative opportunity will benefit the successful applicants and enhance the support provided by the host facility to their users.

New funding will enable at least 9 exchange visits (up to $2,500ea) over the next 2 years (2024-2025). The applications will be assessed against the need of both the applicant and the institution, and not against the applicant’s Curriculum Vitae. Both professional and academic staff are eligible.

Download application guidelines here

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  • Kristian Caracciolo from La Trobe University (AUS) will be visiting the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis at the University of Queensland to gain experience in cryo-SEM operation, protocols, and best practice.
  • Andrew Chan from The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research (NZ) will be visiting the Ramaciotti Centre for Cryo-Electron Microscopy at Monash University to gain insights into 3D image data analyses using artificial intelligence.
  • Kalyan Shobhana from The University of Melbourne (AUS) will be visiting various Brisbane-based light microscopy facilities to further operational knowledge in user training, instrument maintenance, workflows, and best practice.
  • Samantha Warren from Monash University (AUS) will be visiting the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland to increase knowledge regarding data infrastructure, large data handling, and virtual analysis pathways.
  • Alice-Roza Eruera from University of Otago (NZ) will be visiting the Ian Holmes Imaging Centre (Bio21 Institute) at The University of Melbourne (AUS) to gain experience in the use of high-end electron microscopes (Glacios and Krios) and associated data collection software, with non-human virus specimens from NZ.
  • Sepideh Valimehr from The University of Melbourne (AUS) will be visiting the CryoEM Facility at University of Wollongong to enhance her knowledge in cryoEM, cryoET, and microED, as well as sample preparation and data collection techniques.
  • Gabriela Segal Wasserman from The University of Melbourne (AUS) will be visiting the Advanced Microscopy Facility (Queensland Brain Institute) at The University of Queensland to gain experience in the use of novel lightsheet systems and advanced imaging techniques, as well as the operation of histology-imaging pipelines.
  • Alfonso Schmidt from Malaghan Institute of Medical Research (NZ) will be visiting the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (AUS) to learn more about multicolour lightsheet microscopy, , including sample staining, optical clearing, image acquisition, analysis, and data management.
  • Al Makilan from Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand (NZ) will be visiting the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research (AUS) to learn about the use of scanning electron microscopy in diagnostic pathology.
  • Shane Doris Cheung from the University of Melbourne (AUS) will be visiting the Katharina Gaus Light Microscopy Facility at UNSW Sydney (AUS) to learn about advanced super-resolution microscopy techniques and image analysis tools.
  • Darryl Johnson from the Material Characterisation & Fabrication Platform, The University of Melbourne (AUS) to visit The University of Sydney and Centenary Institute to learn about preparation, acquisition, and analysis of imaging mass cytometry (IMC) data.
  • Alex Fulcher from Monash Micro Imaging, Monash University (AUS) to visit The University of Auckland to learn about super-resolution microscopy and participate in the STED workshop run by the Biomedical Imaging Research Unit.
  • Tzipi Cohen Hyams, the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research to visit LabPLUS, Auckland City Hospital (NZ) to learn about medical and analytical pathology with electron microscopy.
  • Nicholas Condon from Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland (AUS) to visit Sydney Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Sydney to learn about dealing with big data, analysis tools and the light and optical microscopy facilities.
  • Carolina Chavez from The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health to visit Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland (AUS) to connect two leading neuroscience microscopy facilities in Australia.

January 31, 2024