What is Microscopy Australia?
Microscopy Australia has over 240 microscopes at nine facilities around the country, open to all Australian researchers. We also have nine associated Linked Laboratories. Enabled by NCRIS.
Microscopy Australia has over 240 microscopes at nine facilities around the country, open to all Australian researchers. We also have nine associated Linked Laboratories. Enabled by NCRIS.
Microscopy Australia's facilities are open to all Australian researchers on the basis of merit. We provide a range of high quality online and in-person training options to meet your needs.
At our facilities around Australia we provide imaging and analytical solutions for R&D, QA, failure analysis, patent support, non-destructive analysis, and persuasive promotional images for a range of clients.
Researchers have developed an innovative method to generate electricity from carbon dioxide, transforming a major cause of global warming into a source of sustainable energy. Challenge Carbon dioxide emissions are Read more
With diabetes affecting millions globally, a groundbreaking insulin pill developed by researchers at The University of Sydney promises a safer, needle-free solution for managing the disease. Challenge It Read more
A serendipitous discovery at our facility at Flinders University has led to the discovery of a cheap and easy rewritable data storage system that could revolutionise the field. CHALLENGE Photolithography Read more
Prof. Anita Ho-Baillie, based at the University of Sydney, is a trailblazer in solar energy research, in particular, into new solar materials and the integration of these materials into next Read more
Microscopy Australia is pleased to see the National Science and Research Priorities were released today, including the elevation of Indigenous knowledge systems. As underpinning infrastructure in microscopy, we continue to Read more
Biological & Materials
Cell Culturing & Molecular Preparation
Thermomechanical Processing
Ion Milling & Machining
Ion Implantation
Fluorescence, Confocal & Multiphoton Microscopy
Super Resolution Microscopy
Analytical Spectroscopy
Flow Cytometry
Laser Microdissection
Imaging & Analytical Spectroscopy
In-situ Imaging & Testing
Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Imaging & Analytical Spectroscopy
Cryo-techniques & Tomography
Phase & Z-contrast Imaging
Electron Diffraction
Atomic Force Microscopy
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy
Computed Spectroscopy
Computed Diffraction
Image Simulation & Analysis
Data Mining
Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy
Imaging Mass Spectroscopy
Atom Probe
Our experts in microscopy and microanalysis ensure that industry and academic researchers collect high quality data. We collaborate to provide online tools and other research resources.
more infoExplore what other facilities can help enable your research. Research Infrastructure Connected (RIC) connects researchers and innovators with Australia’s national research infrastructure supported by NCRIS.
This annual publication is available in print or as a PDF download. Discover high-impact science, enabled by Microscopy Australia. If you would like to receive a printed copy, please contact us with your postal address.